Wednesday 3 October 2007

Second and third lecture and first lab

Well i had to lectures yesterday one was in C++ programming and Desgin, the other was in Real Time Computer Graphics.
In the first lecture the prof basicly introduced use to all the basic elements of C++. Wasn't that hard but he warned it was gonna be in a few weeks. He also asked who felt like a good programmer at the start of the lecture. Most of us put there hands up, at the end of the lecture he asked the same question and almost none of us put there hands up. This had more to do with respect for the teacher and feeling we couldn't match his knowledge, than beeing humiliated.
The second lecture was about Graphics, this was actually a pretty cool lecture because he showed us a lot of game trailers. He also told us what the project was going to be for these two courses.

We have to write a spaceflight simulator that's going to destroy a spacestation.

The tutorials we get are hard but good because we are getting up to speed really fast so we can start our projects. The 5 C++ tutorial was a bitshift one which is not that easy to understand.
The OpenGL ones are a bit nicer and go a bit slower.

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