Friday 9 November 2007

Forcefields, sliding doors and rotating blades

Two days ago I implemented moving objects in the map. I needed them to react with a material especially the forcefields as they need to seem to glow. The problems I had were that my vector that stores them wouldn't accept a change in the data if I gave it. Today I made the forcefields have a moving texture it looks like this.On a side note I also fixed the placement of the bounding boxes. As I fixed my matrix class to work with OpenGL I can now make my own transform matrices and use them. This enabled me to pre-transform my plane vertices and then calculate the bounding box on them. So I don't have to transform the existing Bounding Boxes and as this is done at load time it saves me a multiply in the render state.


Walter Heck said...

So, when will this game be in the stores? ;) It's becoming more and more full-on, and you use more and more completely ununderstandable words ;)

Paul in the UK said...

Thats because i am also using this blog as a development log for myself. Really happy know because collision detection works been stuck on that one for a week