Friday 9 November 2007

YES it has collision detection

The axis aligned Bounding Boxes now do correct collision detection. The problem I had was that i was calling the wrong function, instead of calling intersectMovingBboxes, which checks if a moving boxes collides with a stationary, I was calling intersectBboxes. The later just checks if two boxes collide and if you do that for every box in a map it collides. This happens because the camera is a moving entity and it moves beyond a max value in a BBox and the function just checks for that. The new function takes into account in which direction you are moving. Just need to fix the camera to return it's up vector and collision detection works as expected. If I get it working I will put a installer up for you to test. Remember it's still a work in progress. Tests have only been done on game labs pc's so i don't know if it will work on others. The specs of these are: AMD X2 5600+ dual core, 2GB Ram, NVIDIA 8600GT. But 32MB of Ram should be enough to run the program, don't know about the Video Memory though so to be save go for a machine with at least 64MB

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